On Rage

I posted this on my facebook & instagram in November 2023… I want to share it again here. At the time I was creating a pop-up shop for my tea business while grieving family, friends and a homeland… now, still grieving, still watching a live-streamed genocide of my people. And I’m angry. And my rage is sacred.

28.11.2023: Some thoughts over this morning’s cup of tea… I’ve had some people ask me, how do you find it in you to build a shop at this time… I said, it is because of my anger needing to be channeled. And my deep belief in the fact that we can and are going to create a better world.

On Anger:

Living in the diaspora means, we as Palestinian women, will often be shamed for our rage, people want us to be ‘tamed’.

Here’s the thing, our rage is sacred. Our anger is sacred.

Our culture and our ancestors honour ALL our emotions.

Rage is an active emotion.

It’s a life force. It’s a strong and necessary thrust forward in times of stagnation.

As I grow older, I know more that under my rage, there is love.

I know more how to tap into this endless well of love.

I channel my anger in ways that show how much I love.

How much I love my people. Rather than how much I hate my oppressors.

It’s hard.

It’s life long spiritual work.

But I know that when I hear my elders speak, they remind me to Love harder.

To love harder than hate.

To take care of each other.

Even in my rage, I love.

Even in my anger, I love.

And if my emotions make you uncomfortable around me, then that’s a good thing.

I welcome your discomfort.

I encourage you to sit in it.

For as long as it takes to find your courage.

In your discomfort you will find courage to grow. You will find growth. In your discomfort, you will find transformation.

These past 50 days or so, I have seen people’s true colours. Who’s fiercely resisting the injustices we are living, and who is upholding colonial structures of oppression under the guise of their ‘good intentions’.

The road to hell is paved in good intentions.

If my rage scares you.

It is alignment.

If you are enraged by the state of the world with me.

It is alignment.

— Rasha